interfaith dialogue

India Muslim World Top Stories Trending Now

India: Hindu Extremists Attack Historic Mosque and Church

TNT Desk
New Delhi: Hindu extremists in India launched an attack on a mosque and church during a rally. According to news agencies, radical Hindu groups, associated...
Pakistan Trending Now World

UNGA Adopts Pakistan-Philippines Resolution Promoting Inter-Religious and Intercultural Dialogue

TNT Desk
Islamabad: In a landmark move, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has unanimously adopted a resolution sponsored by Pakistan and the Philippines, focusing on the...
Gaza Update Middle East Palestine Top Stories Trending Now USA

More Than Half of American Youth Support Hamas: Survey

TNT Desk
Washington: A recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll survey has revealed that 51% of 18–24-year-olds in the U.S. support Hamas and the Palestinians. According to the survey,...
Gaza Update Middle East Palestine Top Stories Trending Now

Israel Using “Terrorism” Tactics in Gaza, says Pope Francis

TNT Desk
Vatican City: The spiritual leader of Christians, Pope Francis, has stated that Israel is employing acts of terrorism in Gaza, where an Israeli sniper simultaneously...