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When Will Pakistani Generals Apologize to the Nation?

Pakistani generals have turned everything in Pakistan into fakeness. The elections are fake, the courts are fake, the election results are fake, and even the political parties and leaders are fake. Even the generals themselves are fake. The most significant proof of this is that Pakistani generals issue political statements like politicians and address news conferences just like them. The latest example of this is the press conference by Major General Ahmed Sharif, the spokesperson for the Pakistan Army. Every aspect of this press conference was objectionable, but the most questionable part was when the spokesperson stated that there could be no dialogue with the “anarchist group,” meaning PTI. Even more important was his assertion that the only way for this group is to apologize.

If Imran Khan and PTI have conspired against the army and its chief, they should indeed apologize. However, if crime is the basis for apology, then Pakistani generals need to issue dozens of apologies to the entire nation.

A study of Pakistan’s history reveals that the military had no role in the creation of Pakistan or the Pakistan Movement. From 1940 to 1947, there was no Pakistani army or general. Therefore, the foundation of the Pakistan Movement was the ideology of Pakistan and Quaid-e-Azam. The ideology was so revolutionary that it united a crowd into a nation. Before the Pakistan Movement, Quaid-e-Azam was only a lawyer for individuals, but the ideology made him a lawyer for a religion, a civilization, a history, and a nation. Despite these facts, Pakistani generals attacked the country’s ideology, its democratic culture, and the concept of popular sovereignty at the first opportunity.

General Ayub imposed martial law in 1958, but documents from recent years reveal that he had established secret contacts with the U.S. as early as 1954, convincing Americans that Pakistani politicians were incompetent and would destroy the country. He told the Americans that he wouldn’t let the politicians ruin the country. These actions alone warrant an apology from the generals to the nation.

General Ayub eventually imposed martial law in 1958, conspiring against the country’s ideology, democratic culture, politics, and the concept of popular sovereignty. He abrogated the 1956 Constitution immediately upon imposing martial law, a heinous conspiracy against Pakistan’s constitutional life. For this, too, Pakistani generals owe the nation an apology.

Pakistan was a result of a political process, but General Ayub by imposing marital law completely suspended the political process in the country. Ayub banned politics and political parties, put restrictions, and imposed draconian laws on national journalism. For this, too, Pakistani generals should apologize to the nation.

The Pakistan Movement for independence was such a major movement that it is difficult to find its parallel. Therefore, Pakistan was meant to be a fully independent state in every sense. However, General Ayub sold out the country’s independence. He swiftly turned Pakistan into a colony of the United States. He shackled Pakistan with the SEATO and CENTO alliances. By providing a secret military base to the U.S. at Badaber, he further cemented Pakistan’s subservience to America. This secret base was used by the U.S. to spy on the Soviet Union. Eventually, the Soviet Union discovered this and expressed severe anger, marking Pakistan with a red circle. General Ayub’s devotion to the U.S. grew to the extent that even he felt he had made Pakistan a slave to America. Consequently, he had his Information Minister, Altaf Gauhar, write a book titled “Friends Not Masters” to create the impression that we are friends of the U.S., not its slaves. Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, but General Ayub conspired to secularize the country. He schemed to declare “interest” halal through Dr. Fazlur Rahman. He imposed family laws that were contrary to to Islamic principles. Pakistani generals should also apologize to the nation for all these actions.

In Quaid-e-Azam’s original Pakistan, Bengalis constituted 56% of the total population, yet until 1962, there wasn’t a single Bengali in the army. When Pakistan split in 1971, Bengalis formed only 8-10% of the military despite being the majority. This disparity was not created by India but by Pakistani generals, and they should apologize for it to the nation.

General Yahya Khan conducted elections in 1970, in which Sheikh Mujib’s Awami League won a landslide victory. Power should have been transferred to Sheikh Mujib, but instead, a military operation was launched in East Pakistan. Before this operation, General Niazi infamously declared that they would rape Bengali women on such a scale that it would alter the Bengali race. This was deeply shameful, and for this, the generals must apologize to the nation. Additionally, the ignominy of surrendering to India in the war within fifteen days, leading to the disintegration of the country, added to the humiliation. For surrendering to India and causing the bifurcation of the country, Pakistani generals should repeatedly apologize to the nation.

The failures of General Ayub and General Yahya’s military governments had become manifest, and Pakistani generals should have learned a lesson from that. But they didn’t, and in 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq once again imposed martial law on the nation, taking advantage of the country’s situation. General Zia-ul-Haq also sabotaged the democratic culture of the country. He played a role in tarnishing national politics as well. To sideline Jamaat-e-Islami in Karachi and PPP in Sindh he empowered Altaf Hussain and MQMin Karachi. MQM killed 92,000 individuals in Karachi in 35 years. Generals should apologize to the nation for these actions as well. It is also recorded in history that General Ayub handed over Pakistan’s rivers to India, and during General Zia-ul-Haq’s era, India seized Siachen. Generals should also apologize to the nation for these two matters.

It is also on record that General Pervez Musharraf handed over Pakistan to America after 9/11. General Pervez was so dear not only to America but also to Israel to the extent that Israel’s president used to pray for General Pervez’s safety before going to bed. General Pervez Musharraf used to dance to George Bush’s tunes so much that Western press started calling him ‘Busharraf’ instead of ‘Musharraf.’ Pakistan came into existence in the name of Islam, but General Pervez conspired to make the country liberal. Generals should apologize to the nation for all these matters as well.

Pakistani generals have been making a mockery of elections since 1970. The latest evidence of this is the 2024 elections. Imran Khan was thrown into jail before these elections. PTI leaders were put under restrictions. PTI’s electoral symbol was snatched away. PTI was not allowed to hold rallies or processions. Despite this, PTI managed to secure over 35 million votes in the elections and emerged as the most popular political party in the country. But generals sabotaged the elections. They changed all the election results from Form 45 to Form 47. MQM was placed in fourth or fifth position in Karachi, but they were made the largest party in Karachi. Previously, generals used to rig elections, but in 2024, they directly robbed the elections. If the generals apologize daily to the Pakistani nation for this matter, it would be less.

The military spokesperson has refused to negotiate with PTI, labeling it as an anarchist group. If that is the case, then Pakistani generals should never have negotiated with India. History shows that General Ayub negotiated with India, General Yahya negotiated with India, General Zia negotiated with India, and General Pervez begged for negotiations with India. India is Pakistan’s biggest enemy. It divided Pakistan into two pieces in 1971. It is currently destabilizing Balochistan. The question arises: if negotiations can be held with an enemy like India, then why can’t negotiations be held with PTI, which secured over 35 million votes? In this regard, Pakistani generals should also apologize to the nation.

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