Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

Gaza Update Middle East Palestine Top Stories Trending Now

More Than 6,500 Palestinians Still Trapped under Rubble in Gaza

TNT Desk
Gaza: The press office of the Palestinian government has stated that over 6,500 Palestinians are still trapped under the rubble since .October 7. According to...
Muslim World Palestine Top Stories

Report: Ground Invasion of Gaza Would Be Dangerous for Israel

TNT Desk
Gaza: Israel is preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza; however, such an invasion would pose a significant threat to Israel. According to media reports,...
Middle East Palestine Top Stories

Disagreements Arise between Netanyahu and the Israeli Army

TNT Desk
Jerusalem: Disagreements have emerged between the Israeli Prime Minister and the military. According to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the...
Muslim World Palestine Top Stories

Orthodox Jewish Delegation in Gaza: “We Stand with the Palestinian State and People”

TNT Desk
Gaza: A delegation of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews met with the Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza, declaring their solidarity with the Palestinian state and people....
Muslim World Palestine Top Stories

Israel’s Bombardment on Gaza Enters 4th Day, Palestinian Death Toll Hits 770 Martyrs

TNT Desk
Gaza: Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has continued for the fourth day, and the death toll of Palestinian martyrs has reached 770. According to international news...
Muslim World Palestine Top Stories

Israel Threatens Complete Siege on Gaza, Warning of Cutting Off Electricity, Food, Water, and Gas Supply

TNT Desk
Occupied Jerusalem: Following Hamas’ attacks, Israel has issued a warning of imposing a complete siege on Gaza, which includes the threat of cutting off all...
Muslim World Palestine Top Stories

Hamas Attacks Kill 700 Israelis, While Retaliatory Strikes Leave +500 Palestinians Martyred

TNT Desk
Jerusalem: Violent clashes continued between Palestine and Israel for another day, with Hamas launching attacks that resulted in over 700 casualties, including Israeli soldiers. Approximately...
Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Palestine Top Stories

Understanding ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ and Why It’s Not Surprising

Tamjid Aijazi
In a significant escalation of tensions, Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, launched a major military operation against Israel on Saturday. The operation, named “Operation Al-Aqsa...