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The Timeless Allure: Why Cinema Remains a Compelling and Irreplaceable Experience

Sohail Hashmi
In an era dominated by streaming services and home entertainment systems, the question arises: Why is the cinema still a good experience? Despite the convenience...
Blogs Digital Media Editor's Picks Lifestyle Opinion Trending Now

Is Life Better Without the Internet? Unveiling the Nuances of a Digital Dilemma

Sohail Hashmi
In an era where the internet is omnipresent, woven into the fabric of our daily existence, the idea of living without it may seem like...
Gaza Update Middle East Muslim World Palestine Science Top Stories Trending Now

Prominent Palestinian Scientist Martyred in Israeli Airstrike in Gaza

TNT Desk
Gaza: In the ongoing barbaric bombardment by Israel on Gaza, the renowned Palestinian scientist and the head of the Islamic University in Gaza, Sufyan Tayeh,...
Education Newzealand Technology Trending Now

New Zealand to Ban Mobile Phones in Schools

TNT Desk
Wellington: The government of New Zealand has imposed a ban on the use of mobile phones in schools. New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, expressed...
Digital Media Trending Now USA

Voice of America Restrains Journalists from Using the Term “Terrorist” for Hamas

TNT Desk
New York: The U.S. government-funded news organization, Voice of America (VOA), prohibited its journalists from using the term “terrorist” for Hamas. The American newspaper The...
Digital Media Tech Technology Trending Now

Google Testing Change in Search Bar Placement in its Application

TNT Desk
San Francisco: Google is testing a change in the placement of the search bar in its application, according to official sources. According to reputable news...
Gaza Update Health Middle East Muslim World Palestine Technology Top Stories

Diseases Could Kill More in Gaza Than Israeli Bombs, says World Health Organization

TNT Desk
Geneva: The World Health Organization has warned that in Gaza, the threat of deaths from diseases is greater than that from the war. According to...
Astronomy Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Trending Now USA

The Mysterious Relationship b/w Uncle Sam & UFOs

Usman Ahmad Butt
Many UFO sightings have been identified by government officials and the scientific community as fake or misunderstandings generated within the public. There are some sightings...