Islamic State

Blogs Editor's Picks Muslim World Opinion Pakistan Top Stories Trending Now

The Secularization of Islam

Ameen Ashar
What is Secularism? Secularism is the process of the substitution of the worship of God by the worship of man in social lifeworld. All modern,...
Blogs Editor's Picks Muslim World Opinion Pakistan Top Stories Trending Now

Why Islamic Revolution?

Dr. Javed Akbar Ansari
The overwhelming majority of committed Muslims – the mukhliseen-i-deen – view “Islamic revolution” as an alien concept. There are good reasons for this but sustaining...
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Fall of Dhaka: Who Disintegrated Pakistan?

Ghazali Farooqi
Abstract: In the following article I’ve tried to identify the causes and the malefactors behind the separation of East Pakistan. I’ve attempted to show that...
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Life after Guantanamo: A tale of two Afghan friends

TNT Desk
KABUL:Two Afghan friends were incarcerated together at Guantanamo Bay, but they chose starkly divergent paths after release —- one became an Islamic State jihadist, the...