Technological advancement

Business Pakistan Technology Trending Now

Chinese Mobile Phone Manufacturer Announces Major Investment in Pakistan

TNT Desk
Islamabad: A Chinese mobile phone manufacturer has announced a significant investment in Pakistan. According to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), the Chinese company has announced...
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Muhammad Hussain Chaudhery: The Self-Made Engineering Maestro of Pakistan

Shakeel Hussain Khan
From Poverty to Engineering Prowess In the annals of Pakistani innovation, few stories resonate with the depth and texture of Muhammad Hussain Chaudhery’s extraordinary life....
Blogs Editor's Picks Muslim World Opinion Top Stories Trending Now

Understanding Contemporary Capitalist Order

Dr. Javed Akbar Ansari
Capitalism is both a lifeworld and a governance system. As Islamic revolutionaries we are struggling to overcome capitalism but this struggle in its predominant form...