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Mobile Apps buzzing with security issues

LONDON: Security issues and concerns have been keeping mobile app developers on the toes for past few years. After the 2014 report declaring 75% mobile apps prone to security risk through 2015 measures were taken but the apps still buzz with security issues.

As pointed out by the Gartner study the flaw lies in the heavy usage of third-party commercial application for BYOD strategies. Apple has been staying on top of the security concerns from day one by not only keeping extra layers of security in their iOS but also ensuring certain levels of security on their app platform.

Android on the other hand had been buzzing with security concerns not just on the operating system but also on the heavy influx of the mobile applications produced. Users generally don’t pay much attention to the security measures taken by the applications they are using however this should be the primary concern of any user, experts revealed.

Malwares and hackers attack the vulnerabilities in the coding of any application and more seamless the coding is less vulnerabilities there are but in the past even the top shot applications such as Snapchat have been hacked leaving millions prone to shame and humiliation through their private pictures.

A US Government Accountability Office report also revealed that only an end to end approach can bring these security risks down. Where users should take all measures such as applying complicated passwords instead of simple ones like 12345 or Password. They should also use Two Factor authentication systems that has now become a standard practice at most of the applications. This method minimizes the risk to many folds.

Another strong entry point for hackers is your Wireless transmission over WiFi at home, office and cafes. Hackers can infiltrate your computer or smart device through the WiFi network stream, or simply intercept it to steal valuable information.

Report advised user to always stay up to date with the latest version of the operating and security software they are using along with additional security measures such as Two Factor Authentication and complex Passwords.

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