Spiritual Reflection

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Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Shahnawaz Farooqi
The slogan “Eat, drink, and be merry” is very appealing, but often, people here face the problem that while they do eat and drink, they...
Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Top Stories Trending Now

A Demand of True Religiosity

Shahnawaz Farooqi
A demand of true, genuine, and profound religiosity is that a person should embrace piety (taqwa) correspondingly to one’s level of faith (Iman)because not doing...
Books Editor's Picks Lifestyle Muslim World Opinion Top Stories Trending Now

The Nature of a Muslim’s Relationship with Evil

Shahnawaz Farooqi
The meaning of a hadith (saying) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is that if a Muslim sees evil, he should stop it with force. If...