
Blogs Digital Media Editor's Picks Lifestyle Opinion Trending Now

Is Life Better Without the Internet? Unveiling the Nuances of a Digital Dilemma

Sohail Hashmi
In an era where the internet is omnipresent, woven into the fabric of our daily existence, the idea of living without it may seem like...
Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Russia Trending Now

Ukraine: A Hopeless Middle-Child

Usman Ahmad Butt
From February 24, 2022, to October 7, 2023, the 2020s can be seen as an interesting timeline of continuous regional conflicts and tensions all around...
Astronomy Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Trending Now USA

The Mysterious Relationship b/w Uncle Sam & UFOs

Usman Ahmad Butt
Many UFO sightings have been identified by government officials and the scientific community as fake or misunderstandings generated within the public. There are some sightings...
Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Pakistan

Agha Hasan Abedi: The Urban Legend of Pakistan’s Banking Industry

Usman Ahmad Butt
I think the current generation is likely clueless when it comes to the financial banking firm Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI) and its founder,...
Blogs Editor's Picks India Opinion Pakistan South Asia Top Stories

Neo-Colonialism: Rising Threat to Subcontinent

Usman Ahmad Butt
In recent years, I have noticed how the young generation of the subcontinent is slowly forgetting about the past colonial timeline, where atrocities were committed...
Blogs Editor's Picks Muslim World Opinion Politics Trending Now USA World

Dark Side Of Western Democratic Values: Islamophobia

Usman Ahmad Butt
September 11, 2001, was the day when the world changed completely, affecting almost every global citizen one way or another. Muslims became global enemy number...
Art & Entertainment Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Trending Now

Farrukh Shahab: A Four-Decade Artistic Odyssey

Sohail Hashmi
For nearly four decades, Farrukh Shahab has been a steadfast figure in the world of art, leaving an indelible mark with his paintings that transcend...
Blogs China Editor's Picks Opinion Politics Top Stories USA

New Path Of Understanding Between Eagle & Panda: US-China APEC Summit

Usman Ahmad Butt
To say that Sino-American relations have had a few hiccups in recent years is a massive understatement. The Trump Administration policies were the origin of...
Blogs Editor's Picks Food Health Opinion

Navigating The World Of Tea Sweeteners: A Sip With Sugar, Honey and Beyond

Usman Ahmad Butt
I think we all know that tea is the most popular beverage around the globe, especially in South Asia. According to Dr. Abdul Waheed from...
Blogs Digital Media Editor's Picks Opinion Tech Technology Trending Now

Exploring Digital Landscape: An Intro To The World Of Freeware, Open-Source & Paid Applications

Usman Ahmad Butt
With the introduction of social media applications and the Internet in the 21st century, humanity is experiencing a digital transformation. Millions of users are exploring...