Editor’s Picks

Blogs Business Editor's Picks Opinion Trending Now

The Importance of Having a Website for Your Business

Sohail Hashmi
In today’s digital age, the online presence of your business can make or break its success. As more and more consumers turn to the internet...
Blogs Business Editor's Picks Opinion Trending Now

The Vital Role of Bookkeeping in Business Success

Sohail Hashmi
Bookkeeping is often perceived as a tedious and time-consuming task, but in reality, it serves as the backbone of every successful business. Proper bookkeeping is...
Blogs Editor's Picks Opinion Politics

Poland’s Meteoric Rise: From Soviet Satellite State to Europe’s New Military Superpower

Usman Ahmad Butt
With all the chaos present in our world, from regional conflicts to the global economic recession, In the midst of all this chaos, an eastern...
Blogs Editor's Picks Lifestyle Opinion Trending Now

Becoming a Better Person: A Journey of Self-Improvement

Yasir Hussain
Becoming a better person is a goal that many of us aspire to, and it’s a lifelong journey of self-improvement. Whether you want to enhance...
Blogs Editor's Picks Lifestyle Opinion Pakistan Trending Now

13 Practical Ways to Save Electricity at Home in Pakistan Amid Inflation

Sohail Hashmi
Electricity is a valuable resource that plays an integral role in our daily lives. However, with increasing electricity prices and inflation in Pakistan, it’s crucial...
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AI As Our Sidekick: Average Joe’s New Savior

Usman Ahmad Butt
The use of artificial intelligence has many benefits and drawbacks. AI, which in the past was a fictional technology used as a theme in various...
Blogs Editor's Picks Education Opinion Top Stories

Why Teaching Matters: The Impactful Role of an Educator

Sohail Hashmi
Teaching is one of the most meaningful and influential professions in the world. While it may not always come with a hefty paycheck or a...
Blogs Editor's Picks Lifestyle Opinion Trending Now

Understanding Time Blindness: Causes and Coping Strategies

Sohail Hashmi
Time is a crucial aspect of our daily lives, governing our schedules, deadlines, and appointments. However, for some individuals, managing time effectively can be a...
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The Significance of Hobbies: Finding Joy in Passion

Yasir Hussain
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding a moment of respite can be a challenging endeavor. Our daily routines, packed with work, responsibilities,...