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Freedom of Expression

Allama Iqbal called “freedom of expression” the offspring of Satan, and his statement is entirely accurate. However, in this age of free expression, even Allama Iqbal’s opinion is no longer noteworthy and acceptable to those who champion freedom of expression. The truth is that we only value Allama Iqbal when he aligns with our views. When his thoughts stray from our opinions, he becomes a reactionary or fundamentalist figure in our eyes, and many of us constantly seek to “reform” this version of him. Yet, it is impossible to disagree with Allama Iqbal’s view because it is in perfect harmony with Islamic teachings.

Allama Iqbal didn’t associate freedom of expression with Satan without reason. In this universe, Satan was the first living being to use freedom of expression. But the question arises: What was wrong with Satan’s freedom of expression? You are surely aware of the story that when God commanded the angels and Satan to bow before Adam, the angels obeyed, but Satan refused. His first error was disobeying God’s command, and his second error was standing before God with an argument. He claimed that Adam was made from clay and he from fire, and fire is superior to clay. By this logic, the inferior was being asked to bow to the superior, which seemed wrong to Satan.

Although Satan’s argument—that fire is superior to clay—was flawed, as reason and evidence can prove that clay is actually better than fire, the real issue wasn’t the argument itself. The core problem was that Satan gave precedence to the element (material substance) over God’s command. But in reality, the divine command takes precedence over everything else.

Satan failed to understand that no element/substance is inherently superior to another. If something is superior, it is because God has declared it so. There is no other justification for the superiority of anything.

Thus, when God declared clay to be superior, all creation was required to accept this and bow to Adam. But Satan did not understand this because he relied solely on reason and was engulfed in arrogance. Relying on reason alone can lead no one to anything except arrogance and destruction.

In this regard, Maulana Ayub Dehlvi provided an important and interesting explanation. He said that when God said “Kun” (Be), the universe came into existence, and the entire universe is subject to this command. Nothing can deviate from it by even the slightest degree. Thus, command precedes the universe. Maulana further explained that reason is something acquired by humans, as a child initially has no sense of right or wrong. Therefore, reason developed after the universe came into existence, and thus follows the universe in the natural order. As such, reason ranks third, after the divine command and the universe. But Satan reversed this order, giving reason precedence over divine command, even though reason comes after creation.

The main point is that the primary authority is God’s command. Anything is good because God says it is good, and anything is bad because God declares it bad. God has decreed that truth is good and falsehood is evil. However, if God were to declare falsehood to be good, it would indeed be considered good. Good is good because God has declared it as such, and evil is evil for the same reason. Without this, there is no intrinsic good or evil. For example, God has stated that prostration is only for Him. Even the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), to whom God sends His greetings, cannot be prostrated to. Yet, God commanded the angels and jinn to prostrate before Adam. Those who refused were condemned. Allah Almighty has strongly condemned lying and slander, yet consider the story of how Prophet Yusuf’s (Joseph’s) younger brother, Binyameen, was kept with him. Prophet Yusuf placed items from the palace into Benjamin’s belongings, and under the accusation of theft, Benjamin was detained. However, Allah says in the Qur’an that this was something He Himself taught Yusuf to do. So, the point is, whatever Allah declares to be correct is indeed correct.

Yet, there are people among us today who claim that they will understand Islam purely through reason. But if religion could be fully grasped through reason, there would be no need for revelation or a messenger. Revelation was sent and delivered through the Prophets because reason needs the light of revelation to function correctly. Eyes can see, but only in the presence of light; in complete darkness, they are useless. The same applies to reason—it is blind without revelation. Therefore, freedom of opinion is simply another term for prioritizing one’s thoughts over revelation and the Prophet’s guidance, and this is the greatest deviation.

Books document a debate between Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti and a Hindu yogi. At the end of the debate, Khwaja Sahib asked the yogi to meditate and look at both his and the Khwaja’s Nafs (soul/self). The yogi did so and saw that Khwaja Sahib’s Nafs was as bright as the sun, while his own soul had a dark spot. Khwaja Sahib then invited the yogi to embrace Islam. The yogi replied that he would, but his “nature” was not inclined towards it. Khwaja Sahib asked him how he had achieved such spiritual progress. The yogi replied that it was the result of forty years of Nafs Kushi (self-negation/disciplining the self/subduing the ego). Khwaja Sahib told him to continue this practice, and in a moment of realization, the yogi accepted Islam. But what if had he persisted in his personal prejudice, stuck to his personal opinion, and not agreed to subdue his ego (Nafs Kushi)?

The problem is that relying solely on reason and its product, freedom of expression, can lead to the destruction of a person. Therefore, there is only one path to peace and salvation: align one’s opinions with the Qur’an and Sunnah, and refrain from the deviation of subjecting the Qur’an and Sunnah to one’s personal opinions.

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